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Photo Booth

Photo Booth is a fun tool that lets people take photos and add fun overlays including Nouns glasses and their ENS.

Photo Booth

Created At

ETHGlobal San Francisco

Project Description

Photo Booth is a web application built with Next.js that allows users to take photos, add fun overlays including Nouns glasses and their ENS, and see all images uploaded by users from the same event. When you access this app you connect your wallet, then are able to take an photo with your webcam. We then allow you to add cool overlays like Noun glasses and your ENS. We also leverage walrus aggregator and publisher however it was down during the event.


  • Take a Photo: Users can take a photo directly from the app.
  • Add and Drag Overlays: Fun overlays, including Nouns glasses and their ENS, can be added and positioned over the photo.
  • Connect Wallet & ENS Overlay: Users can connect their crypto wallet and drag an ENS overlay onto the photo.
  • Overlay Management: Users can view and delete existing overlays.
  • Gallery Page: A gallery page (/gallery) shows all photos uploaded by users.

How it's Made

We built the project using Next.js and used libraries like wagmi. We let the user take photos and we created an upload route to upload images to Walrus and a route to get images from the walrus aggregator. We used partners like Walrus (for the images hostings), Nouns (for their IP and incorporating their IP in as overlays), ENS (we let users connect wallet and then add their ENS overlayed on the image). This help increase and promote Nouns and ENS visibility and adoption.

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