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Phog Compute

PHOG - Peered Hyper Orchestrator Gateway is a Compute over Data(COD) platform for distributed computation which places storage and processing far beyond the "traditional" edge of the network. PHOG enables users to spin up resources much like it's done today on the public cloud.

Phog Compute

Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

The PHOG in fog computing stands for Peered Hyper Orchestration Gateways.

PHOG computing is related to the Compute Over Data project, in fact, the PHOG ecosystem is built around the bacalhau bach-lee-ahw framework.

In the bacalhau platform, compute jobs are executed close to where the data is generated and stored.

Where Compute over Data is focused around running jobs, PHOG is focused on standing up infrastructure to run services.

The ultimate aim of PHOG Computing is to manage compute resource beyond the edge of the network.

How it's Made

This project ties together open source projects, containerization, virtualization, web3 and Compute over Data technologies.

This project is organized into two repos:

phogcomputer/copy-v86: A fork of, which provides x86 virtualization in your browser, recompiling x86 to wasm on the fly.

phogcomputer/iam-nft-gate: Forked from livepeer/livepeer-nft-gate-example. This repo serves as the identity access management layer which incorporates "gating" via verification of NFT ownership.

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