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Petto : Travel without having to worry about your pets!


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Project Description

Leaving your pets behind when you go for a little trip can be stressful, and we may even consider cancelling our plans. Petto is here to solve this problem by allowing you to leave your pets with some of the top hosts in your area while you relax and enjoy your trip! Pets can be anyone, a Dog, cat, as well as plants. Environmental Impact: Helps environment by taking care of plants and animals. Social Impact: Pet lovers can connect to people in help. Economical Impact: Gives part-time employment to pet lovers to do the work they always loved to do.


How it's Made

Complex Ethereum Structure: Understanding Ethereum's intricate architecture and decentralized applications can be overwhelming.

Smart Contract Security: Ensuring smart contracts are secure from vulnerabilities like reentrancy attacks is crucial but complex.

Learning Solidity: Mastering Ethereum's programming language, Solidity, takes time, especially for newcomers.

Integrating with Ethers.js: Integrating Ethereum's functionalities into traditional web apps can pose challenges, especially with libraries like Ethers.js.

User Experience vs. Decentralization: Balancing user experience while maintaining decentralization principles can be challenging.

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