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People Protocol

Trust thrives in a service ecosystem run by the people.

People Protocol

Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

People Protocol: Transforming Service in India!

In India's service scene, two big issues need fixing. First, our independent service rockstars (way cooler than "gig workers") get a raw deal – no rights, no job security, and platforms snatch a big chunk of their earnings. Not cool. Users also pay hefty platform fees. Both the stakeholders dodge platforms to sidestep platform's charges.

Enter the People Protocol – our secret sauce for an ecosystem where service providers and users relax, and trust the process.

People Protocol, gives power back to the people.

Here's the scoop:

  1. Rockstar Profiles: Service providers create profiles with a peek into their superhero persona – expertise, experience, and a commitment to top-notch service.
  2. User Vibes: Users, create profiles too! Schedule services and drop that mandatory feedback. Let's keep the convo going and make this a team effort.

To keep trust vibes strong, we've got killer features:

  • Show and Tell: Full transparency on past gigs – a service provider report card.
  • Service Superhero Stats: Numbers like clients served, who's sticking around, and a performance score. It's a stats page for service providers.
  • Thumbs Up Zone: Endorsements from happy clients for good vibes.
  • Reviews and Ratings Party: Detailed feedback with reviews and ratings
  • Squad Status: Find out how many neighbors trust the same service. Build a cool community of trust. It’s like the “your friend also follows this person” hence you can follow them too.
  • AADHAR Check: Safety first! Identity verification keeps things real.
  • Time on the Scene: Know how long your service provider has been rocking this platform.

We have kicked off with the use case of household chores as seen in the demo video.

We're not just selling a service – we're putting the spotlight on the awesome people behind it. The People Protocol is all about trust, transparency, and fair play. It's a whole new world, and we're just getting started! 🌟✨

How it's Made

Trust in centralized systems is like this unspoken contract. People are used to it, and comfortable with it. So, when we set out to create the People Protocol, we knew we had to match that level of trust. Selecting the right features for duplication was like choosing ingredients for the perfect recipe. It's not about how many things you throw in; it's about the magic that happens when you get the mix just right.

For our People Protocol, we had to carefully dissect what made the centralized system trustworthy. It was a mix of features that blended seamlessly. We took a deep dive into what users and service providers love about the current system – transparency, reliability, and a touch of human connection, this is what our features also do for the people of India.

It's not about reinventing the wheel; it's about making it spin smoother and faster. Welcome to the future of service – where trust isn't just earned; it's built into the very fabric of the People Protocol

The platform is fully gasless, so implementing that experience was a little challenging.

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