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Revolutionize payments and finance with our plugin widget! 🚀 Seamlessly embed GHO for cross-chain transactions, borrow/pay with Aave GHO, and yield farm with Aave ETH. Securely connect wallets with WalletConnect. Enhance your app's financial capabilities effortlessly! 💳💸


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Project Description

Overview: Our project aims to develop a comprehensive plugin widget that empowers applications to seamlessly integrate Global Harmony One (GHO) as a payment input, facilitating cross-chain payments. Additionally, the plugin includes two essential widgets, one for credit-based transactions using Aave GHO tokens and another for Aave ETH deposits as Yield LP provider. The integration leverages CCIP from Chain and utilizes WalletConnect through the Family Connect Kit for secure and user-friendly connectivity.

Key Features:

GHO Payment Integration Widget:

Objective: Allow applications to embed GHO as a payment method. Functionality: Facilitate cross-chain payments by converting GHO to the desired recipient chain/token. Integration: Utilizes CCIP from Chain for efficient cross-chain communication. Connectivity: Implements WalletConnect through the Family Connect Kit for secure and user-friendly wallet integration. Credit Pay Widget using Aave GHO Tokens:

Objective: Enable users to borrow and pay using Aave GHO tokens. Functionality: Facilitates lending and borrowing within the application using Aave's GHO tokens. Integration: Seamlessly integrates Aave's lending protocols for a smooth credit-based transaction experience. User Experience: Enhances financial inclusion by providing credit options using blockchain-based assets. Aave ETH Deposit for Yield LP Provider Widget:

Objective: Allow users to deposit ETH into Aave for yield farming as a Liquidity Provider (LP). Functionality: Users can deposit ETH into Aave to participate in yield farming and liquidity provision. Integration: Direct integration with Aave's smart contracts for efficient and secure deposit handling. Yield Optimization: Enhances the project's financial ecosystem by providing a yield generation option for users. Code Snippets:

Each widget comes with well-documented code snippets, facilitating easy integration into existing applications. Developers can seamlessly incorporate the widgets into their codebase, reducing implementation time and effort. Security and Compliance:

The entire plugin adheres to industry best practices for security and compliance. Smart contracts are audited, and the integration with WalletConnect ensures secure wallet interactions. Benefits:

Seamless Cross-Chain Payments: The GHO payment widget enables applications to accept GHO as a payment method and converts it to the desired recipient chain or token, facilitating cross-chain transactions. Financial Inclusion: The credit pay widget promotes financial inclusion by allowing users to borrow and pay using Aave GHO tokens, unlocking credit options for a broader user base. Yield Generation: The Aave ETH deposit widget empowers users to participate in yield farming, enhancing their financial portfolio by providing opportunities for passive income.

How it's Made

Frontend Development:

Framework: Next.js was chosen for the frontend, providing a robust foundation for building dynamic and performant web applications. Wallet Connectivity: Implemented Family Connect Kit to seamlessly integrate WalletConnect for secure cross-chain payments, ensuring a smooth user experience. User Interface: Developed an intuitive user interface for the widgets, enhancing user interaction and experience. Cross-Chain Payment (GHO) Widget:

Smart Contracts: Solidity smart contracts were developed and deployed on the Sepolia testnet using the Hardhat development kit. CCIP Integration: Leveraged the Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) to enable cross-chain communication, allowing the seamless conversion of GHO for different recipient chains or tokens. Credit Pay (Aave GHO) Widget:

Aave SDK: Utilized the Aave Software Development Kit (SDK) to integrate Aave's lending and borrowing protocols into the widget. Blockchain Interaction: Enabled borrowing and payment using Aave GHO tokens through secure interactions with the blockchain. Yield LP Provider (Aave ETH Deposit) Widget:

Aave SDK Integration: Employed the Aave SDK for smooth integration with Aave's smart contracts, allowing users to deposit ETH for yield farming and liquidity provision. Yield Optimization: Designed the widget to empower users to participate in yield generation through Aave's liquidity protocols. Noteworthy Points:

Hardhat Kit: Utilized the Hardhat development kit for Ethereum smart contract development, testing, and deployment on the Sepolia testnet. WalletConnect Security: Ensured the security of wallet interactions by integrating WalletConnect through the Family Connect Kit, allowing users to connect their wallets securely for transactions. Benefits of Partner Technologies:

Family Connect Kit: Streamlined the integration of WalletConnect, enhancing the security of wallet interactions for cross-chain payments. Aave SDK: Simplified the implementation of credit pay and yield LP provider widgets, tapping into Aave's established lending and liquidity protocols. CCIP (Chainlink Cross Chain Interoperability Protocol) for Cross-Chain Payments: Seamless Cross-Chain Communication: CCIP integration facilitated seamless cross-chain communication for our cross-chain payment widget.

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