Empowering Just-in-Time Payments for Gas-Dependent Smart Contract based systems
PayWizard is focussed on our Smart Contract solution which enables the continuity of services through providing funds to Gas-Dependent systems.
The smart contract (PayWizard acting as the paymaster) allows for multiple channels (Smart Contracts) to be funded with select amounts of gas per service.
When the balance is running low within a channel(s), the contract is topped up automatically.
Our solution proposes two new functions to be included in the https://github.com/smartcontractkit/documentation/blob/main/public/samples/Automation/tutorials/EthBalanceMonitor.sol Smart Contract, featured inside the PayWizard.sol
The Dapp allows for the user to define (not built);
In this Hackathon we reached the point of having ChainLinks custom automation working; https://docs.chain.link/quickstarts/eth-balance-monitor
We unfortunately didn't make it to the point of creating our own Dapp solution but enjoyed working with the technology building on top of Chainlink's infrastructure toward building an application with custom capabilities.
This project utilises Chainlink Automation Network across the supported networks;
For development we used Remix IDE, Sepolia, Arbitrum Sepolia, HardHat, and ChainLink's technologies to understand the capabilities of Timer and custom automated events that can be driven.
The EVM Smart Contract for this project aimed to ensure that gas dependent smart contracts could be seamlessly funded, keeping services active with a simple dashboard for owners to manage / and overview the state of funds between components (accounts, smart contracts).
Base network was intended for use to host the solution.
We didn't reach this point in our plan.
Alchemy was used to set up an AA wallet where the account can top up funds when low.
We looked into using Alchemy AA as part of the solution, however didn't feel this technology was specifically required to enable the solution.