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Paymaster Base

A Dao Platform that sponser voting for wallet who have more than a specific amount of tokens

Paymaster Base

Created At


Winner of

πŸ”₯ Base β€” πŸ₯ˆ Best Account Abstration

Project Description

we know that the essence of DAO's are the community so it will be help them participate in proposals more than before but there is a small problem with voting on proposals that user should pay gas every time that they want to vote but they didn't get anything in short term but DAO admins like their token holders to vote so in this project, we are using account abstraction to sponsor gas fee for users that want to vote on proposals and to prevent attacks and using all the gas in the gas tank, users should have a minimum amount of tokens to use gas sponsorship

How it's Made

the front end is built with React, and we used Biconomy SDK for account abstraction and the smart contract for DAO is made with Solidity based on OpenZeppelin governance contracts, we started with setup a gasless transaction with a simple contract with Biconomy SDK and It was successful after all but It was not so much familiar for me so I didn't have time for the rest of the project but the rest is something like this

  • setup OpenZeppelin governance contract and deploy
  • code a simple front-end for making proposals and voting
  • use Biconomy SDK on front-end to support gas
  • make a front-end page to show gas tank available deposit
background image mobile

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