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passkeys safe

Safe passkeys module using webauthn for passwordless and private-key independent wallets.

passkeys safe

Created At


Winner of

🔥 Base — 🥇 Best Account Abstration

🥉 Safe — Best Use

Project Description

A safe passkeys module that allows users to sign base transactions with biometrics. also, with a utility contract for cross-chain token transfer via CCIP from safe's in the optimism network only. Allowing users to create smart wallets and interact with the blockchain without managing private keys.

How it's Made

Two main parts:

PasskeysModule CCIPTokenSender

this project uses web3authn for passwordless authentication, the passkey safe plugin is able to verify the signature and execute transactions directly to a safe.

The project consists of CCIPTokenSend and passkeysModule contracts. the CCIP token send allows users to initiate cross-chain transfers from their safe on a supported network.

uses NextJS, typescript and tailwindcss for the front end, utilising covalent endpoints to get user balances and transactions.

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