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Revolutionizing parental support in Tunisia with our blockchain-powered app, connecting families for carpooling and more while ensuring regulatory compliance.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

In response to regulatory restrictions on activities like carpooling and the limited parental network in Tunisia, we've introduced a mobile app designed to facilitate service exchanges among parents, initially concentrating on carpooling. Our innovative approach harnesses blockchain technology and non-convertible tokens to ensure secure and regulated service sharing. These tokens, representing closed currency within our ecosystem, can be acquired by users either through offering services with a commission-based business model or by purchasing them with fiat money. Importantly, these tokens cannot be converted back into fiat currency, ensuring compliance with Tunisian regulations. Our platform aims to expand parental networks, enhance resource utilization, and promote community connections, providing a marketplace where parents can exchange various services while upholding quality standards. As we navigate regulatory challenges, our long-term vision includes expanding to additional services such as babysitting and school supply exchanges, as well as entering geographic regions with similar constraints.

How it's Made

Mobile App Development with React Native:

React Native is a popular framework for building cross-platform mobile applications. It allowed us to create a single codebase that works on both iOS and Android, saving time and resources.

Smart Contracts with Solidity:

Solidity is a programming language specifically designed for writing smart contracts on blockchain platforms like Ethereum and Polygon. It enabled us to define the rules and logic governing our token-based service exchange platform.

Deployment with Hardhat on Polygon Mumbai:

Hardhat is a development environment and task runner for Ethereum-like networks, including Polygon. It made deploying our smart contracts on the Polygon Mumbai testnet a seamless process. By using a testnet like Mumbai, we ensured a safe environment for testing and refining our contracts before deploying to the mainnet.

Backend with Express.js:

Express.js is a fast and minimalist web application framework for Node.js. We leveraged Express.js to build a robust backend for our app, providing a smooth user experience without lags. This allowed us to handle user requests efficiently, process data, and interact with the smart contracts securely.

By using this technology stack, we were able to create a reliable, user-friendly, and scalable platform for parents in Tunisia. React Native gave us the power of cross-platform mobile development, Solidity allowed us to define the core blockchain logic, Hardhat simplified deployment, and Express.js ensured a responsive backend, making Parently a comprehensive and effective solution for our users.

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