First business model of the learn2earn system. Tried to build a DAO at first, did not work out
First business model of the learn2earn system. Spent our time researching about implementing a DAO which has a voting system for selecting the signers of the multisig wallet. We were using gnosis safe and superfluid for that. We were able to speed up a DAO however failed to connect both of them for the same project. At night decided to separate :) Just submitted my idea to hear your opinion, i know that the idea is fully undeveloped but i will come prepared and select a team beforehand!
Didn't really do much :/ Just submitted my idea to hear your opinion, i know that the idea is fully undeveloped but i will come prepared and select a team beforehand! My first hackathon so I guess stuff like this happens. But I think superfluid would be really useful in the parasat project, for l2e.