This is a multiplayer drawing which currently has 3 modes
- Co-Paint: Join a room and invite 1 more player. Draw on the same canvas for 90 seconds and get the option to mint the finished drawing as an NFT. This will only happen if both people vote yes. Only the participants of the game can mint this NFT
- Tag-Team: Join a room and invite 1 more player but both will have separate canvases. Here's the catch- the canvases will swap after 45 seconds! The 2 resulting canvases will get combined and like earlier, there will be a vote for creating an NFT from the combined canvas.
- Kaleidoscope: Join a room and invite 3 players. Each person will see their own canvas fully but will only see other people's canvases partially. The 4 resulting canvases are combined and a procedure similar to the previous two modes is repeated.
Currently adding: 1v1 mode with AI generated topic and judging (Galadriel). AI generated topics will be added to other modes as well