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Monetize Your Expertise Seamlessly with Web3


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

  1. Seamless Monetization Integration:

    • Challenge: Existing platforms often impose high fees, hindering creators' earnings potential.
    • Pageforge Solution: Pageforge eliminates or significantly reduces fees, empowering creators to maximize their financial rewards while monetizing their content seamlessly.
  2. Unified Web3 and Web2 Experience:

    • Challenge: Integration gaps between web3 and web2 make it challenging for creators to connect with their audience across platforms.
    • Pageforge Solution: Pageforge provides a unified platform, seamlessly integrating web3 and web2 social connections. Creators can now maintain a connected experience without the need to start anew on different platforms.
  3. Transparent and Cost-Effective Transactions:

    • Challenge: High transaction costs associated with traditional payment methods impact the profitability of content sales.
    • Pageforge Solution: Smart contracts deployed on efficient L1/L2 networks reduce transaction costs, ensuring a transparent and cost-effective payment process for both creators and consumers.
  4. Self-Governing Systems for Content Management:

    • Challenge: Lack of self-governing systems and reliance on centralized management restrict creators' control over their content and earnings.
    • Pageforge Solution: Pageforge introduces smart contracts, providing creators with a self-governing infrastructure. This enhances transparency, trust, and control over content and earnings.
  5. Innovative Reputation Scoring:

    • Challenge: Creators often struggle to establish credibility and trust, impacting their ability to attract and retain an audience.
    • Pageforge Solution: Pageforge's Reputation Scoring, derived from reputable sources like Airstack and Next.ID, enhances creators' credibility. This dynamic metric fosters trust, encourages audience engagement, and opens up collaboration opportunities.

How it's Made

To Deploying contract with custom data with using compiled Metadata .

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