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Institutional-grade Shareholders Agreement onchain. A Shotgun Clause empowers a world of RWA, Tradfi Institutions and Crypto Native Institutions to coordinate and resolve disputes onchain.


Created At

ETHGlobal Brussels

Winner of

Blockscout - Best use of Blockscout Block Explorer

Prize Pool

Chronicle Protocol - Innovation Track 3rd place

Project Description

Pacta is an institutional-grade onchain smart contract for implementing and managing Shareholders Agreements. The core feature of Pacta is the Shotgun Clause, a powerful mechanism that facilitates the resolution of disputes and the coordination of actions among shareholders/partners in a transparent, efficient, and trustless manner - using Ethereum and the de facto settlement layer for real world disputes and deadlocks.

Key Features: Agreement:

Parties agree to be subject to a Shotgun process should a dispute arise and remains unresolved.

Shotgun Clause Automation:

Triggering: Shareholders can initiate the Shotgun Clause when a dispute arises or an exit is desired.

Offers and Counteroffers: The smart contract allows for the seamless creation and management of offers and counteroffers, with all terms and conditions encoded onchain.

Oracle Integration: Integrates with Chronicle oracles to ensure fair valuation of assets, ensuring offers are made based on real-time, accurate data, serving under IFRS and purchase price allocation.

Transparency and Trust:

Immutable Records: All actions, offers, and transactions are recorded on the blockchain, providing an immutable and transparent history.

Trustless Execution: Smart contracts handle the execution of terms automatically, reducing the need for intermediaries and ensuring trustless interactions. Integration with Traditional Finance (TradFi) and Real World Assets (RWA):

Institutional-Grade Compliance: Designed to meet the compliance requirements of traditional financial institutions and facilitate the inclusion of RWAs in the blockchain ecosystem.

Cross-Chain Compatibility: Can be deployed across multiple chains, enhancing flexibility and adoption.

Efficiency: Automates complex legal settlement processes, reducing the time and cost associated with traditional methods.

Interoperability: Supports integration with existing financial systems and protocols, promoting the convergence of traditional and decentralised finance.

Pacta aims to bridge the gap between traditional finance and the emerging DeFi ecosystem, providing a robust platform for managing shareholder agreements in a secure, transparent, and efficient manner. By leveraging the power of smart contracts, Pacta empowers institutions to navigate the complexities of shareholder relationships with greater ease and confidence.

How it's Made

Pacta smart contracts are written in solidity, using foundry.

Architecture: Smart Contract Layer:

Shotgun.sol: The main contract handling the Shotgun Clause logic, including offer creation, acceptance, counteroffers, and expiration. AgreementStorage.sol: A separate contract to manage the storage of agreements and offers, ensuring modularity and separation of concerns. Oracle Integration:

IChronicle.sol: Interface for integrating with Chronicle oracles to fetch asset valuations. SelfKisser.sol: Handles the whitelisting process required by Chronicle to read oracle data. Testing and Deployment:

ShotgunTest.t.sol: Comprehensive test suite written in Foundry to test all functionalities of the Shotgun contract. DeployShotgun.s.sol: Deployment script that deploys the Shotgun contract and sets it up with the necessary parameters.

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