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Participatory governance framework for stewarding commonly held land via private trust membership associations.


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

Arbitrum - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

Pachamama is a service for communities to manage land they collectively own. They can store their documentation, attest temporary stewardship to parts of that land, attest to the positive actions that each member provides, etc. This process highlights stewardship not ownership and can enable more sustainable ways how land is being worked and structures are being used. By securing the land and providing attestation on stewardship we take note and hold them accountable.

We hope to minimize friction with novel ways of access to blockchain technology, enabling all individuals to realize their full creative potential. Through collaboration, innovation, and a commitment to inclusivity, we strive to create a more equitable and inspiring world.

How it's Made

Documents are stored on IPFS Communities use Gnosis Safe to make governance decisions and manage treasury. We use WAGMI and Wallet Connect to let members interface with the DApp Given more time we would also integrate Account abstraction in combination with physical access devices (NFC cards or an object containing an NFC chip, leveraging ARX technology)

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