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p2p Lending

Peer to peer uncollateralized lending through on-chain credit scores

p2p Lending

Created At

ETHGlobal Brussels

Winner of

Blockscout - Best use of Blockscout Block Explorer

Prize Pool

Worldcoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

peer-to-peer lending is normally RISKY for Lenders and EXPENSIVE for borrowers as there is no proper measurement for risk.

to solve this issue on-chain we are using a Credit Score with onchain borrowing history, we use WorldCoin - World ID to make sure no one games the system to increase credit score using multiple accounts by only allowing one account per one unique user. Using a smart contract which allows users to Lend and borrow while updating the Balance Mapping which interns adjusts the Credit score every 15 days (Aprox.) depending on the status of their loans (paid/due)

How it's Made

we started with scaffold-eth template which uses hardhat, we used @worldcoin-WorldID to verify Unique User and map to he wallet address credit score. We added @Blockscout for the Explorer and when deploying and verifying contract through hardhat. the project was launched on ETH Sepolia Testnet

worldcoin worldID Helped us tackle the problem of Users Using multiple accounts to game the system while maintaining privacy and avoid collecting KYC documents

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