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Crypto and CryptotoFiat Payments assisted through whatsapp for normies to use seamless blockchain interactions


Created At

ETHGlobal San Francisco

Project Description

People still don't get crypto, the UX has improved a lot since it began, but still people find it more complicated than the apps they are used to use on their daily basis.

We're solving this by connecting with those day to day apps which people already use. Imaging sending payments, cross-border remittances o even manage a payroll on top of blockchain with a web 2 easy to use interface.

Fully encripted, secure and the ways normies like it, money up front.

How it's Made

We are working mainly with Circles SDK and CCTP to enable near zero gas transactions and swaps between chains, so that people can easily send from one to another to allow cross border payments.

WebAuth for easy sign in and transaction signing, all connected to AI powered bots to interact with the platform through whatsapp.

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