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An onchain/zero knowledge based solution for an anonymous, sybil-resistant voting platform f.


Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Winner of


🏊 Worldcoin — Pool Prize

Prize Pool


🥉 Sismo — Best Use

Project Description

This project aims to provide an anonymous, sybil-resistant voting platform. This can be used for many things such as authenticity or reputation systems, anonymous voting and so much more. We use a combination multiple zero knowledge based solutions for our service to ensure a secure and truly anonymous voting environment is created. Votes are placed on immutable url links allowing our system to work for almost anything - tweets, media posts and even journal articles (currently showcased for tweets). A handy browser plugin has also been created for you to seamlessly view voting scores on the page you are viewing itself.

How it's Made

This project uses multiple set of tools to ensure user privacy, personhood in a trustless and decentralised reputation voting system used to validate authenticity of immutable online content.

The sponsor tools used are:

  • Worldcoin for uniqueness and proof of personhood - this allows us to avoid users from voting multiple times (sybil attacks) by proving their personhood.
  • EAS for attesting a persons vote to something, in a trustless decentralised manner.
  • SISMO for SSO and protecting the user's identity with ZK on the votes they made

The additional components that the project is made of:

  • Frontend using NextJS
  • Chrome extension in javascript
  • Smart contract written in solidity and deployed to Optimism GOERLI

How the system works is described below.

For the VOTER:

  • An easy to use frontend is provided for completing all proofs required and placing and viewing votes. A simple step indicator guides you through the process and user friendly report provided after each successful vote placed.

For the USER:

  • For more tech-savvy people the votes are stored onchain for each content that can be validated for. E.g. a tweet account for POTUS has its positive and negative
  • We also have a chrome extension that creates an overlay whenever you check a twitter profile and shows the valid authenticity votes made onchain
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