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Snapshot plugin for trustless voting results submission on chain


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

ApeCoin DAO - Most innovative 2nd Place

UMA - Best use of UMA & Across 2nd Place

Project Description

This project allows DAOs on Snapshot to submit their proposal voting results on chain and allow smart contracts to act on these results on-chain. The UMA Optimistic Oracle is used to verify proposal results and Gelato network is used to execute the smart contract action as soon as UMA settles the proposal verification query.

Flow will look like this:

  1. The proposal is created on Snapshot, according to the DAO rules. The description should contain machine readable data that indicates what kind of action must be initiated on-chain after proposal settles
  2. After proposal is settled according to the DAO rules, anyone can submit a transaction that submits vote results on-chain and makes a query to the Optimistic Oracle to verify submitted data.
  3. At the same time, a Gelato action is created that will trigger the execution as soon as UMA query settles.

How it's Made

This project uses UMA optimistic oracle to verify the vote results submitted on-chain and Gelato to automate the execution. A set of Solidity smart contracts manage the vote results, receives a bond and forwards it to the UMA oracle with the query to verify submitted data. Smart contract will also provide a view function for Gelato to let it know when it is time to execute the action.

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