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A decentralized voting platform built on top of Worldcoin & the Ethereum Blockchain

Created At


Winner of

🏊 Worldcoin — Pool Prize

Project Description

The hackathon project introduces an innovative decentralized voting platform leveraging the capabilities of Worldcoin's Proof of Persoonhood mechanisms. This platform reimagines traditional voting systems by offering a secure, transparent, and tamper-resistant solution. Utilizing the inherent benefits of blockchain, such as immutability and distributed consensus, the project empowers participants to engage in a democratic process that is free from manipulation and central authority control.

How it's Made

This project uses Nuxt 3 for the frontend & Worldcoin Authentication as the Frontend, and Hardhat & Solidity to code the backend. One road block I had was that Anonymous actions only work on Next.js with the Widget and importing the Vanilla SDK through NPM did not work, so I simply required the user to be signed in.

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