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Orange is a social appchain. Orange is a L3 rollup built on Zora L2 using Conduit


Created At

Superhack 2024

Project Description

Orange is a social appchain. Orange is a L3 rollup built on Zora L2 using Conduit Intention was to build a project similar to Instagram with posts being NFT's However, since the posts are NFT's they will be non-transferable but the social accounts will be transferable. The only expectation of posts being transferable if they were bridged over from Zora Conduit provides a bridging service

How it's Made

Orange is a social appchain. Orange is a L3 rollup built on Zora L2 using Conduit Using Conduit, deploying a Layer 3 optimistic rollup on Zora L2 Project developed using the Scaffold-ETH framework, which includes hardhat toolchain, the solidity programming language for smart contract and Nextjs for frontend

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