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NFT Profile generator that uses World ID coin stack for on chain verification of uniqueness


Created At


Winner of

🏊 Worldcoin — Pool Prize

Project Description

The Optistore is an exclusive NFT marketplace where only holders of a unique "soulbound" token can purchase NFTs. Leveraging World Coin's on-chain verification, the platform ensures that each soulbound token is minted by a verified unique human, creating a distinctive ecosystem that prioritizes genuine individuality in the world of digital collectibles.

How it's Made

The Optistore is built on the Ethereum blockchain, utilizing smart contracts written in Solidity. It integrates the ERC721 standard for the creation and management of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). The store's exclusivity is maintained by the "soulbound" token mechanism. Before a user can mint or purchase an NFT, they must first obtain a soulbound token. The issuance of this token is controlled by on-chain verification using World Coin's technology. This verification ensures that each token is associated with a unique human, preventing bots or a single individual from obtaining multiple tokens. The smart contract checks the possession of a soulbound token before allowing any NFT transaction. Additionally, the NFTs in the store have a mutable tokenURI, which means the owner of each NFT can modify its associated metadata, allowing for dynamic content updates. The platform also incorporates safety measures, such as preventing the transfer of soulbound tokens to ensure their immutability and uniqueness.

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