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A DApp that lets users create insurance policies that protect their stablecoins against depegs


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Project Description

OptiStable is a full stack, multi-chain protocol that allows anyone to insure a stablecoin against depegging, and gives people providing collateral against a depeg the ability to earn by collecting premiums.

The protocol is built on three key features:

  1. A complex oracle service built on a custom OP Stack that aggregates price data from multiple sources, including from Layer 1, other chains, and from web2.
  2. A series of contracts that manage policies, payouts, and a committee , and that gives people the ability to trade an ERC20 token representing their position with others.
  3. A front end that allows people to buy and sell policies, and that renders policies and price data in real time from the contract backend.

How it's Made

OptiStable is an innovative full-stack, multi-chain protocol designed to revolutionize the way stablecoins are insured against depegging. By combining advanced oracle technology, smart contract management, and a user-friendly front end, OptiStable empowers users to protect their stablecoin investments while offering opportunities to earn through collateral provision and premium collection.

Key Features:

Custom Oracle Service: OptiStable's foundation is built upon a sophisticated oracle service known as the OP Stack. This oracle aggregates data from diverse sources, including Layer 1 platforms, other blockchain networks, and web2 data providers. By obtaining comprehensive price data, the protocol ensures accurate and reliable information for assessing stablecoin stability.

Policy Management Contracts: The protocol's suite of smart contracts facilitates the management of policies, payouts, and a dedicated committee. Users can seamlessly trade an ERC20 token representing their policy position, providing a secure and efficient trading environment.

User-Friendly Front End: OptiStable boasts an intuitive front-end interface that simplifies the process of buying, selling, and managing policies. Real-time rendering of policies and price data directly from the contract backend ensures a seamless user experience.

Policy Lifecycle:

Subscription Phase: During this phase, users have the opportunity to subscribe to upcoming policies. They can insure stablecoins or provide collateral for specific currency pairs, such as USDC/USDT. The protocol allows users to customize their risk exposure while contributing to the ecosystem's stability.

Active Monitoring: Once a policy is active, the oracle committee diligently monitors the underlying stablecoin's peg. This continuous surveillance helps detect any deviations from the peg and triggers necessary actions if a depeg event is identified.

Closure Phase: The policy's final phase involves closure, which occurs at a designated L1 block. Closure can be triggered by either a majority of price sources reporting a depeg or the policy reaching its expiration date.

iUSDC Tokens: A unique aspect of OptiStable is the introduction of iUSDC tokens. These ERC20 tokens, minted and distributed upon policy activation, represent users' positions within a policy. When a policy closes, iUSDC tokens can be burned to claim the insured stablecoin or the collateral stablecoin, depending on the policy outcome.

Oracle Committee and Cross-Chain Interactions: The heart of OptiStable lies within its oracle committee, a critical component powered by the custom oracle service based on the OP Stack. This committee fetches price data from various sources, including established Layer 1 platforms like Chainlink, emerging low-latency oracles like Redstone, web2 providers like CoinGecko, and even other blockchain networks. These cross-chain interactions enhance OptiStable's reliability and potential.

Conclusion: OptiStable is more than just a protocol; it's a dynamic ecosystem that empowers users to safeguard their stablecoin investments while contributing to the stability of the entire network. By leveraging cutting-edge technology, OptiStable paves the way for a new era of decentralized insurance and premium earning opportunities.

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