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composable social graph visualization for the Near blockchain operating system


Created At

ETHGlobal New York

Winner of

🥉 NEAR — Best Frontend using BoS

Project Description

Our team developed a basic way to visualize on-chain social graphs, powered by the Near blockchain operating system (BOS). The goal is to help all people connect and coordinate around the open world. Everyone builds everything together!

This data visualization kit works for many different graphs on the BOS. Anyone could make their own version of something, which would then become part of its unique graph. Ultimately, we can better understand things by considering other perspectives.

How it's Made

This project involves two React-style JavaScript components (on-chain source code) providing a reusable social graph visualization to be integrated with various decentralized applications.

The "graph.view`" component allows a user to select a graph by its ID and choose which accounts to include as nodes in the visualization.

The "SocialGraph" component renders a D3.js-based simulation to display nodes and edges within an <iframe> on the page.

Overall, this product leverages the blockchain operating system to give creators a reliable building block for apps involving social features.

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