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OPstack a Stacking Dapp in Optimism a layer 2 chain. Transactions take place on Optimism, but the data about transactions get posted to mainnet where they are validated. It’s like driving in a less crowded side street while benefiting from the security of a highway.


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Project Description

DATA token an ERC20 staking application. This app will allow users to stake a token and earn a reward token in return ( DATAR ) DATA reward token. for the ERC20 tokens and an ERC20 staking contract. All user can stake, unstake, and claim their reward tokens, from the OPstake application.

How it's Made

  1. npx thirdweb@latest create app
  2. npm i @chakra-ui/react @emotion/react @emotion/styled framer-motion.
  3. DATA token contract: "0xd02cE7fF48A30228ff6705aE6263deabfd80036f"
  4. DATA reward contract: "0xcbd811339A71b5D4db9EbE60C76C706D9F07533A"
  5. OP smart contract: "0x14D3d8b580005E00A5E88420E8b305adac4b2077"
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