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OPOV is a revolutionary DAO protocol that uses zero-knowledge proofs to ensure every member is a verified individual, fostering trust and accountability within communities, without KYC.


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Winner of


🏊 Worldcoin — Pool Prize

Project Description

OPOV, short for "One Person One Vote", is an open source protocol enabling the creation of sybil-resistant DAOs by verifying proof of unique personhood.

It leverages WorldID, the decentralized identity system developed by Worldcoin, to provide cryptographic zero-knowledge proofs that individuals have completed biometric signup without revealing actual identity. These ZKPs are generated through WorldID's verification process on the Optimism blockchain.

Upon successful verification, the OPOV protocol issues a proof of personhood (PoP) attestation to the user's Ethereum address via Ethereum Attestation Service. This attestation serves as a portable credential that can be publicly validated on-chain.

OPOV operates as a multi-chain protocol, with the core PoP verification contract running on Optimism mainnet, while the DAO management and voting contracts run on the Base L2 chain. This separation of concerns maximizes security, scalability, and cost efficiency.

Cross-chain messaging is enabled through LayerZero's decentralized relayer network, allowing seamless and secure communication between the verification contract on Optimism and DAO contracts on Base.

The OPOV web application at provides a frontend to simplify usage. It allows people to connect their wallet, get verified through WorldID, launch or join DAOs, create proposals, and participate in sybil-resistant voting.

A core feature provided by OPOV is the ability for DAO members to easily propose and participate in majority rule votes where each member gets a single vote, regardless of their token holdings. This shifts influence from wealth and ownership to individuals, embodying the ethos of "one person, one vote" in governance decisions. Majority rule voting enables communities to make choices through direct participation of all verified members, avoiding plutocratic dynamics common in many existing DAO designs.

Under the hood, the OPOV contracts extend battle-tested implementations from OpenZeppelin, such as their Governance suite, inheriting critical security properties. All contracts are upgradeable, enable smooth protocol evolution over time.

By combining cutting edge identity technology with established contract standards, OPOV offers a modular, security-focused foundation for web3 communities looking to build around individuals over wealth or compute.

How it's Made

OPOV leverages a blend of cutting edge web3 technologies to deliver its multi-chain, identity-focused protocol.

The frontend is built using Typescript, Next.js, React, Tailwind, and Tremor, providing a seamless wallet connection experience through RainbowKit, wagmi, and viem.

On the contract side, OPOV extends implementations from OpenZeppelin using Solidity and Hardhat for local testing and deploying. The core contracts are deployed across Optimism and Base using ethers.js.

OPOV operates as a multi-chain protocol, with the core identity verification living on Optimism while the DAO management contracts reside on Base. Cross-chain communication is facilitated by LayerZero.

Ethereum Attestation Service is leveraged to provide publicly verifiable identity attestations across chains.

On the design side, OPOV's brand and web experience were brought to life using Sketch, Photoshop, Midjourney, and Procreate. Architecture was planned using Whimsical.

ChatGPT-4, Claude AI, and GitHub Copilot were invaluable AI assistants through the development process.

Notable innovations include the multi-chain architecture, single-vote majority voting, and identity credential portability powered by attestations.

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