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Truly open and chain-agnostic Metaverse


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

1inch Network - Enhance your app with 1inch Developer Portal APIs 1st place

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Project Description

A metaverse which is chain-agnostic and truly web3. It aims in solving the

  1. Need of cross-chain token transfers for easy liquidity.
  2. Cross-chain asset transfers using a bridge.
  3. Conditional Token gated spaces in metaverse to stop spammers in public rooms.
  4. Web3 communication system that is privacy preserving and also sensorship resistant.


How it's Made

  1. As the project was built in Unity, SDK compatability issues arised which took a lot of time to fix.
  2. Had to implement own AES decryption function as no safe libraries were available on solidity.
background image mobile

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