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OpenPet is a proof of concept web3 pet database. Pet's will have an open decentralized database to verify records such as vaccinations


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Project Description

OpenPet is a pioneering Web3 proof-of-concept protocol designed to decentralize and open source pet health records management.

Problem: the current state of pet health care records is not open source Solution: Build a web3 protocol that records and verifies pet data on chain

Key Features:

  1. Decentralized Pet Profiles: With OpenPet, users can easily create a unique digital identity for their pets. This identity is represented as a Non-Fungible Token (NFT) that gets minted on the base L2 chain. This NFT encompasses various attributes of the pet including: pet Image, Microchip Number, Species, Breed , and Other distinctive characteristics
  2. Integration with Ethereum: The application provides a fluid interface allowing users to connect their Ethereum wallet via RainbowKit. This facilitates the straightforward creation and management of their pet's profile.
  3. Immutable Storage: All metadata associated with the pet's profile is stored securely on the decentralized database, ARweave. This ensures that the pet's records are permanent, tamper-proof, and easily retrievable.
  4. Health Certificates by Vets: Veterinarians play a crucial role in this ecosystem. They can mint health certificates linked to a pet's profile. These certificates provide authentic information about:Vaccinations, Medical tests, Other pertinent health-related data

Use Cases: -For pet owners, OpenPet acts as a one-stop solution to maintain, manage, and share their pet's records in a secure environment. -Veterinarians can authenticate and validate health-related details, making the entire process more transparent and trustworthy. -Potential pet adopters or buyers can easily verify the health and authenticity of a pet through its decentralized profile.

Use case by story of "Sarah" Sarah was driving when she noticed a frail-looking cat by the roadside. Immediately, she pulled over to assist. To her surprise, the cat led her to a box filled with newborn kittens. Concerned, Sarah took the feline family to a veterinarian the next morning. Thanks to the OpenPet database and a microchip in the mother cat, they discovered she had feline AIDS. While it's rare for the condition to be passed to kittens, testing was crucial. It revealed that one of the kittens was affected and began receiving treatment promptly. Without such an accessible database, this kitten might have unknowingly lived with the condition, potentially endangering its health and that of other cats.

Use case by story of "Jake" Upon arriving at Incheon International Airport in South Korea, Jake faced officials who required proof of his dog Baxter's rabies vaccination. Quickly, Jake suggested they scan Baxter's microchip. Using the OpenPet database, they instantly verified Baxter's vaccination records, including his rabies shot. The process was seamless, and Jake and Baxter were granted entry without any delays.

Benefits: OpenPet aims to bring transparency, authenticity, and security to the pet industry, ensuring every pet's health and identity is verifiable and traceable on the blockchain.

Thank you to all the Partners & ETHGlobal team

How it's Made

OpenPet uses these technologies at its core

  • Our Dapp uses the EVM because we love it & our contracts are deployed to OP & Base
  • Hardhat -We used the Next.js framework, and used Rainbowkit & WAGMI libriary -The Graph -Deployed With Vercel
  • ARweave to store pet data on the permaweb
  • Made with Love.
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