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An Open platform to create your sandbox of games and experience them in AR


Created At

Autonomous Worlds

Project Description

Inspired by a love of nature and the physical environment. OpenAR is a platform centered on enabling people and communities to create their own sandbox to create any experiences they can imagine in a spatial world. Users are able to create maps bounded or infinite that others and themselves can then claim grids on and assign different tile based games from as simple as tic-tac-toe to as complex as chess.

Users own their grid so whatever logic they want to apply they are free to. If they want to augment tic-tac-toe and play a 9 grid match or spice things up in chess and use custom NFTs as pieces, the possibilities are endless.

OpenAR as the name is implies is focused on augmented reality experiences and to showcase that element users are able to play these games in AR with the 1st game tic-tac-toe and being able to visual multiple games occurring..

The future of AR and spatial experiences is bright in our mind and with MUD it truly enables a way to build these physical experiences while maintaining autonomy and ownership. Our next focus is on enabling ZK for privacy which opens the door to more physical based application with AR, such as Pokemon Go gardening and things of that nature.

How it's Made

Made with love, care, and mud.

There are 3 core parts to the platform.

The OpenAR namespace with systems that enable a user to create a map, claim a grid, transfer ownership, and enable a game system to write to individual spaces within the grid. Spaces are able to be owned by an address, NFT token, or system and can write whatever data needed into a list of bytes. An array being chosen so multiple game pieces can be associated with a single space like a graveyard in Chess.

Next is the game namespaces (tic-tac-toe and checkers) that are pure game driven systems that apply their game logic to grids they are given ownership owner when transferred. They are able to set spaces within grids they control for the purpose of a game.

Lastly is the interface built with a focus around Augmented Reality and enabling users to experience these classic games in a physical space. User are able to play their own match and also spectate other occurring games on a map. It's built with WebXR enabling access to all who have a browser and no app store needed.

These 3 aspects combine to create a unique and fully permission-less experience that has a ton of potential for future use case especially those in the physical world.

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