Open Frame generates dynamic previews for ENS in any XMTP client
In XMTP clients, you have to leave the app to look up ENS account information or start a transaction. Our bot integrates ENS with XMTP, providing link previews whenever a ".eth" name is mentioned. With Open Frame, you can view and interact with ENS accounts directly from the XMTP context!
Open Frame is client agnostic, tested in Converse and
We are running a Next JS server side rendered application that creates dynamic meta tags in the html header based on the current URL. For example, if you are at /ens/reidjs it creates a meta tag <meta name="of:image" property="ENS_PIC_URL"> If you go to /transactions/0x1234 it creates a meta tag <meta name="of:image" property="QR_PIC_URL">
Web3 projects used: XMTP, ENS