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OP AttestationStation Integration

Integrated OP AttestationStation as data provider into Sismo using the Graph

OP AttestationStation Integration

Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Project Description

I have integrated OP AttestationStation as data provider for Sismo. Sismo is a identity protocol that allows you to select, add and aggregate data to your digital identity using ZK proofs. Their data providers allow you to connect various sources from both Web2 as Web3 to make claims about your data and identity using ZK technology. This results in privacy-preserving attestations that can be utilized for your digital identity.

The combination with AttestationStation allows you to create new identity sets and build more robust, trustworthy identities and reputation systems.

Using those tools, I deployed a ZK Badge for true Optimists to claim on Gnosis Chain.

How it's Made


I first created a subgraph to query any attestations on Optimism. It indexes by creator, creator + key and receivers and keeps track of some global stastistics. The ATST Subgraph is public and open-source and can be used by other projects and use-cases.

  • Subgraph
  • Repo


The subgraph is then used as a source for an AttestationStation data provider I created in Sismo. This allows anyone to select and query data in their factory to create new Data Groups, zkConnect Apps (SSO) and Sismo badges (SBTs).


  • Initial work
  • Value-based scoring

The data provider allows anyone to query and select any kind of attestations, from creators, keys or key/value pairs. The attestation or its values can be used as a scoring mechanism in Sismo's badges or zkConnect apps. As an example, I've included a group and badge using the Optimist Score by flipside.

  • Optimist Score by Flipside
  • Optmists group
  • ZK Badge
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