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OP Arcade

We built an game dev tooling system that let's you play arcade games using OPstack tokens.

OP Arcade

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Project Description

We built an game dev tooling system that let's you play arcade games using OPstack tokens. Built on top of Unity.

Like the tokens and quarters of a traditional arcade, $ARCADE powers the games on the OPArcade. It is the per-play token and the asset for in-game economies such as items, power-ups, as well as character and stage unlocks. Rewards from gameplay can be ticket tokens in Base & Worldcoin which players can use to mint Achievement badges and NFT prizes in Zora.

How it works

-Uses Unity Game engine under hood

-Players can get Optimism, Base or Zora by bridging. And then can get $ARCADE on Optimism through Uniswap

-Use $ARCADE to buy credits to start playing

-Get rewards through Worldcoin and BASE to mint Zora collectible NFT's


-Enable players to simulate the real-life experience of video game arcades in a decentralized way

-Enable games to have the per-play feature and perhaps monetize it as well

-Anyone might be able to start a game with their friends and do it persistently

How it's Made

-3 key pieces: game, tokens, app (so basically you need tokens to buy some credits and you use those credits to start playing the game and then you get rewarded with a different gamecoin tokens in the end)

-We needed to hack and mod the existing Unity and OPStack SDK's to be able to build the app on top of the Unity game template.

-We used OPstack to connect to Optimism, Zora and Base.

-Backed uses Heroku, Truffle and Ethers

-Front-end & Game Client uses React & Unity

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