Onlyfarts is a marketplace for exotic sensations, providing authentic, tokenized, high quality bottom-funnel audio.
Mainstream marketplaces struggle with overly generalized content, leaving little room for niche communities to thrive.
What if we told you that there are existing communities engaging and thriving in an alternative medium, but fragmented and lacking sustainability? We offer a clear solution and a breath of fresh air.
It's a pain in the ass, and all they want is relief.
We present the solution: Only Farts, the world's first crypto-native marketplace for exotic sounds. Authentic and tokenized, you can even buy celebrity farts or make requests via Twitter for a cameo.
With our decentralized mobile app, creators can monetize their farts, and connoisseurs can finally collect these unique sound collections.
Collections? Yes, we offer packs of farts and even mystery "toot boxes" with a variety of different sounds, from common to rare and exotic quality. Let it out, become the creator you were meant to be, and join us on Only Farts.
For this project we are using Polygon CDK creating our own L2 in combination with Avail in order to store our mp3 data. Users login with Walletconnect AppKit and the socia/email login feature. Thanks to Polygon CDKs support with Blockscout, we directly utilize their block explorer for all onchain information.
We have one landingpage built with nextjs. Our app is built in react-native.