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Complete your KYC in just few clicks


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

We require to submit multiple KYC to different different platforms/apps. With the help of OnchainKYC integration, you can fetch the user's KYC information in one click by connecting the Web3 Wallet if user have previously done KYC. If user have not completed KYC earlier, user require to sumbit their personal data like Aadhaar Card, PAN Card and other information and video chat. User data will be stored securely in Smart Contract and files are stored in decentralised IPFS. Even as user, you will get push notification when application requests for KYC data. For prevetion of current and future frauds, this also provides KYC expiry so if you sign up to new platform after long time, user need to re-submit KYC data. It makes the KYC process smooth and user does't need to sumbit KYC data each time to every platform.


How it's Made

We wre building via Anon Adhaar SDK and which does not support custmisation yet like button title name change so it was getting complex in controling the user flow.

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