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OnChain Accounting

Web3 accounting software designed for a community operated co-working / events space

OnChain Accounting

Created At

ETHOnline 2024

Winner of

Sign Protocol

Sign Protocol - Sign Everything Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

This is a web3 onchain accounting app for the co-working/events space in downtown boulder colorado..

I made the app so we can keep track of membership balances. Each month members are charged a membership fee. They can pay their fees w/ money or by contributing to the space. We also needed the ability to handle reimbursements. EG someone goes to the store to buy cleaning supplies for $100 then they have to pay $100 less in fees that month.

The data from the attestations is combined w/ onchain payment info (members pay fees to a multisig) to create total balances for each member.

How it's Made

I made this app in react w/ js. I am using the etherscan API to get transaction information from the regenhub multisig. I am using sign protocol's sdk for the attestations and also querying their rest api using axios then decoding the attestations using abidecoder from ethers.js.

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