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Unlock the full potential of web3 social with onchain AI. Navigate web3 social, create engaging content, and manage your digital identity—all through intuitive, intent-based interactions. Powered by Galadriel's on-chain AI. Your gateway to a seamless web3 social experience.


Created At

ETHOnline 2024

Project Description

OnboardAgent emerges as a groundbreaking solution to one of web3's most persistent challenges: user onboarding and engagement. In a landscape often criticized for its complexity and steep learning curve, OnboardAgent introduces an AI-powered interface that simplifies interactions with decentralized applications, making web3 (social) accessible to a broader audience. By leveraging Galadriel's innovative on-chain AI capabilities, OnboardAgent creates a bridge between traditional web experiences and the decentralized world, offering users a familiar chat-based interface to navigate the complexities of blockchain technology.

At its core, OnboardAgent addresses the intimidating nature of web3 interactions by interpreting natural language inputs and translating them into complex blockchain operations. Users can effortlessly perform actions like minting NFTs, posting on decentralized social platforms, or managing digital assets through simple, conversational commands. This approach not only lowers the barrier to entry for newcomers but also enhances efficiency for experienced users, streamlining processes that typically require multiple steps and technical knowledge.

The project's significance lies in its potential to accelerate web3 adoption by providing a more intuitive and less daunting entry point. By integrating with popular platforms like Lens Protocol and Farcaster, OnboardAgent positions itself at the intersection of social media and blockchain technology, facilitating seamless content creation and sharing in the decentralized space. The AI-driven content generation feature pushes the boundaries of what's possible in on-chain applications, offering users creative assistance that's both powerful and accessible.

From a user's perspective, interacting with OnboardAgent feels remarkably straightforward. Upon connecting their web3 wallet, users are greeted by a chat interface where they can express their intentions in natural language. Whether they wish to mint an NFT, post content to their Lens profile, or cast a message on Farcaster, the OnboardAgent interprets their request and guides them through the process, handling complex backend operations invisibly. This approach not only simplifies user actions but also educates users about web3 concepts in a practical, hands-on manner.

Looking to the future, OnboardAgent aims to expand its capabilities by integrating with more blockchain networks and decentralized applications. Future goals include building a comprehensive ecosystem where users can manage their entire web3 presence through a single, intuitive interface. Roadmap for enhanced onboarding features, cross-chain interoperability, and decentralized database integration to further streamline the web3 experience.

The inspiration behind OnboardAgent stems from a desire to make web3 technologies as user-friendly and accessible as their Web2 counterparts. By combining the power of AI with the decentralized nature of blockchain, the project not only improves user experience but also demonstrates the potential for innovation at the intersection of these cutting-edge technologies.

In essence, OnboardAgent represents more than just a tool; it's a paradigm shift in how users interact with blockchain technology. By abstracting away the complexities of web3 behind a conversational AI interface, it paves the way for wider adoption and more inclusive participation in the decentralized web. As the project evolves, it stands poised to play a crucial role in shaping the future of human-blockchain interaction, making the promise of web3 a reality for users across the technological spectrum.

How it's Made

OnboardAgent: Full-Stack Web3 Application

OnboardAgent is built as a full-stack Web3 application, leveraging cutting-edge technologies across the stack. Here's a breakdown of the development process and the technologies involved:

Smart Contracts

  • Solidity is used to write the smart contracts (OnboardAgent.sol and DalleNft.sol).
  • Hardhat serves as the development environment, providing a robust framework for compiling, testing, and deploying contracts.
  • The contracts are deployed on the Galadriel devnet, utilizing its on-chain AI capabilities.


  • Next.js 14 with the App Router is chosen for its performance benefits and server-side rendering capabilities.
  • TailwindCSS provides utility-first styling, allowing for rapid UI development and easy customization.
  • shadcn/ui components are integrated for a consistent and modern look.
  • Framer Motion is employed for smooth animations, enhancing the user experience.

Smart Contract Interaction

  • ethers.js is used as the primary library for Ethereum interactions.
  • Web3Modal facilitates easy wallet connections with support for multiple providers.
  • wagmi hooks are integrated for declarative, React-centric blockchain interactions.

State Management and Data Fetching

  • React hooks (useState, useEffect) manage local component state.
  • TanStack Query (React Query) handles server state management and data fetching, providing efficient caching and synchronization.


  • Web3Modal handles wallet-based authentication.
  • Lens Protocol authentication is implemented using @lens-protocol/react-web hooks.

API Integration

  • Next.js API routes are used to create serverless functions for backend logic. These routes handle interactions with external services like Pinata for IPFS storage and generating dynamic intent URLs for Farcaster casts.

Partner Technologies

  • Galadriel: The project heavily relies on Galadriel's on-chain AI capabilities. This allows for complex AI operations to be performed directly on the blockchain, ensuring transparency and decentralization in AI-driven processes.

Non-partner Technologies

  • Lens Protocol: Integration with Lens allows for seamless social interactions within the Web3 space. The @lens-protocol/react-web and @lens-protocol/wagmi packages significantly simplify the implementation of Lens features.
  • Pinata: Used for uploading and pinning content metadata to IPFS, and retrieving IPFS CID to post content generated content on Lens.
  • Goldrush API (Covalent): Powers fetching chains and token holdings data of the connected wallet.

Notable Implementation Details

  1. Intent-based Interaction: The core of OnboardAgent is its intent recognition system. This is implemented by parsing user input for specific keywords (e.g., "cast to farcaster", "generate nft") and triggering corresponding actions. This approach allows for a more natural, conversational user experience.

  2. Dynamic Form Generation: For NFT creation, the application dynamically generates form inputs based on the detected intent, providing a seamless user experience without navigating to different pages.

  3. Farcaster Integration: While not using an official Farcaster API, the application cleverly generates a Farcaster intent URL with embedded content, allowing users to easily cast generated content on Warpcast.

  4. AI-Driven Content Generation: The integration of AI for content generation, both for social posts and NFT creation, is a standout feature. This leverages Galadriel's on-chain AI capabilities, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in decentralized applications.

  5. Lens Protocol Integration:

    • Profile Fetching: Upon detecting the "post to lens" intent, the application automatically fetches Lens profiles associated with the connected wallet address, showcasing seamless integration between wallet authentication and Lens API calls.
    • Dynamic Profile Selection: The UI dynamically updates to display available Lens profiles, allowing users to select and authenticate with their chosen profile without leaving the chat interface.
    • Content Preparation and IPFS Storage: The application handles the process of preparing content according to Lens metadata standards, uploading it to IPFS via Pinata, pinning and retrieving the CID - all triggered by a single user intent.
    • Post Creation and Feedback: After creating a post through the Lens API, the application provides immediate feedback to the user, including a link to view the post on, bridging the gap between the OnboardAgent interface and the wider Lens ecosystem.


  • Cross-Chain Compatibility: To prepare for future multi-chain support, the NFT metadata is structured to adhere to OpenSea standards. This approach is to simplify future integrations with other networks.
  • Lens Post Creation: The process of creating a Lens post involves multiple steps (content generation, metadata preparation, IPFS upload, and post creation). This is streamlined into a single user action, hiding the complexity behind a simple intent-based command.
  • Mobile application development
  • Improve accessibility
  • Voice chat
  • Integration with a wider range of web3 social applications and protocols.
  • Implement additional onboarding capabilities not just restricted to web3 social.
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