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On-chain Automation Micro-Rollup

Seamless Smart Contract Automation through an Open Orderbook for On-Chain Tasks

On-chain Automation Micro-Rollup

Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

Smart Contract automation is a well recognised problem on both the protocol and the user level. Several DeFi protocols like auto-compounders, lending protocols, rebasing tokens, etc require functions to be called on their contract periodically for their smooth operations.

While, there are protocols like Chainlink Automation, Gelato Network, and The Keep3r that tackle this use-case, but we came up with a design that is the love child of Chainlink Automation and The Keep3r as a micro-rollup.

Our protocol can handle on-chain tasks on any EVM chain by maintaining the incentivisation accounting on our micro-rollup.

A user should be able to submit for a task to run on any of the chains to our rollup without having to submit a transaction. This significantly simplifies the UX for setting up tasks across multiple networks through one protocol.

How it's Made

The hardest hurdle was of mechanism design to making the incentives of the system work while assuming minimum liability on the protocol level.

There was also a significant learning curve to understand the mental models behind micro-rollups and delving into building our own chain which we had no prior experience with. But once the mental models clicked, it was a breeze to build the use-case with the Stackr SDK.

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