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Any Chain, Anywhere


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description


Interacting with diverse blockchain networks poses challenges for users due to limitations in existing gas fee payment solutions, such as:

Dependency on Centralized Exchanges: Users must rely on centralized exchanges for native tokens, creating a single point of failure and security concerns. Complexity for New Users: Acquiring specific native tokens for each blockchain is daunting for newcomers, hindering the onboarding process. Limited Token Options: Users are confined to using native tokens, restricting choices for gas fee payments. Long Bridging Time between Chains: Transferring tokens between blockchains is time-consuming, impacting user experience. Solution:

Cross-chain paymasters tackle these challenges by:

Enabling interoperability: Users can use tokens from different blockchains for gas fees, fostering seamless interaction across ecosystems. Reducing costs: Eliminates the need for multiple native tokens, streamlining processes and potentially lowering costs. Providing flexibility: Users can choose tokens from any compatible blockchain for gas fees, enhancing control and choice. Saving time: Eliminates the need for specific native tokens, allowing quick and efficient transactions across multiple chains. Use cases:

Cross-chain paymasters find applications in:

DApps: Improved user experience and accessibility, enabling interaction without native tokens. Cross-chain swaps: Effortlessly exchange tokens between blockchains without manual acquisition of native tokens. NFT marketplaces: Buy and sell NFTs across blockchains using any compatible tokens. Gaming: Play games on different blockchains without acquiring specific native tokens.


How it's Made

Throughout the project development, we encountered significant challenges related to the choice of software development kit (SDK) and its limitations:

SDK Selection Dilemma:

Challenge: Identifying an SDK covering all blockchain chains proved challenging. Resolution: We prioritized the SDK supporting the most chains, aligning with our goal of broad coverage. Paymaster Support Discrepancies:

Challenge: The chosen SDK lacked uniform paymaster support across all chains. Resolution: Despite limitations, we chose the SDK with the broadest paymaster support to maximize user reach. Whitelisting Process Complexity:

Challenge: The selected SDK required a whitelisting process for transaction sponsorship, contrasting with simpler API key and credit approaches. Resolution: We streamlined whitelisting, addressing complexities to enhance user transaction experiences. Comparing Limitations:

Challenge: Both the chosen SDK and alternatives presented unique limitations. Resolution: Prioritizing our goal to support the maximum chains, we carefully evaluated each solution and made an informed decision based on overall compatibility.

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