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A one-stop solution for all your OMNI actions.


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Project Description

Interoperability: Many blockchain networks operate independently, using different protocols and standards. This can lead to fragmentation and lack of interoperability. A project that facilitates transactions across various chains in one go helps bridge these interoperability gaps, allowing users to seamlessly interact with multiple blockchain networks.

User Convenience: Switching between different blockchain networks can be cumbersome for users. A one-stop solution simplifies the process, offering users a more convenient and user-friendly experience. This convenience can encourage broader adoption of blockchain technology.

Efficiency: Conducting transactions on different blockchain networks separately can be time-consuming. A unified platform that supports transactions across multiple chains streamlines the process, potentially reducing transaction times and enhancing overall efficiency.

Reduced Complexity: Dealing with multiple blockchain networks often requires users to manage different wallets, understand distinct transaction processes, and navigate various user interfaces. A unified platform simplifies the user experience by providing a single interface for executing transactions across different chains.

Wider Adoption: The ability to transact seamlessly across multiple blockchain networks may attract a broader audience, including users who may have been hesitant due to the complexity of managing transactions on different chains. This, in turn, could contribute to the wider adoption of blockchain technology.

For example, creators can launch projects on almost all chains in one click, entire projects can be bridged from one chain to another chain in under 15 minutes and a user can mint NFT across many chains in one click.


How it's Made

Problem Statement: Building Omnione, a comprehensive one-stop solution for all omni actions, posed a significant challenge in real-time smart contract event handling and the execution of business logic across multiple destination chains. Traditional approaches made it difficult to seamlessly listen to events and efficiently implement business logic for a set of destination chains.

Solution: Our breakthrough came with the integration of Moralis Streams and Firebase Functions webhook. By leveraging Moralis Streams, we successfully achieved real-time smart contract event monitoring. The Firebase Functions webhook played a crucial role in executing complex business logic seamlessly across the designated destination chains.


Moralis Streams Integration: Moralis Streams provided a robust solution for real-time event handling. We seamlessly integrated this feature into Omnione, enabling us to monitor and react to smart contract events across multiple blockchain networks.

Firebase Functions Webhook: To execute business logic for the destination chains, we harnessed the power of Firebase Functions. This serverless computing platform allowed us to build scalable functions that respond to events triggered by Moralis Streams, ensuring rapid and efficient execution of business logic.

I also encountered an issue while building Omnione smart contracts: I had to call a heavy function of OmniOnefactory launch contracts which creates a contract from a contract of NFT collection and I invested a lot of time while testing bridging via CCIP but CCIP has some limits, I think its around 50KB of data that can be passed to destination chain, and after that I went on to create my custom solution with Moralis for event handling and passing to firebase hosted node of Omnione for execution of required logic.

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