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OmniGovern DAO

OmniGovern: Simplifying on-chain governance. With account abstraction for user-friendly experiences, paymaster rewards based on user actions, and an on-chain subscription service. Bridging the gap for the next wave of blockchain users on Base.

OmniGovern DAO

Created At


Winner of

🏊 Worldcoin — Pool Prize

🏊 Mode — Prize Pool

Project Description

OmniGovern: A Comprehensive Overview

  1. Cross-Chain DAO Functionality:
    OmniGovern stands as a pioneering model of decentralized governance that operates seamlessly across multiple blockchains. It allows for proposals, voting, and execution of decisions to occur unhindered, irrespective of the originating chain.

  2. Proposal Mechanism:
    A dynamic system where users can initiate proposals based on past blockchain snapshots. This ensures that decision-making is rooted in historical data, making the process both transparent and accountable.

  3. Voting and Collection Period:
    OmniGovern integrates a two-phase system for decision-making:

    • Voting Period: Users cast their votes, choosing to support, oppose, or abstain.
    • Collection Period: Unique to OmniGovern, this period amalgamates votes from different chains, processing them on the hub chain to determine the outcome.
  4. Execution:
    Post the voting process, if a proposal garners sufficient support, it moves to execution. Any user can then activate the proposal, bringing the community's decision to fruition.

  5. Account Abstraction:
    Recognizing the barriers posed by blockchain complexities, OmniGovern introduces account abstraction. This prototype masks the technical details, offering users a straightforward, intuitive interface, thereby broadening its appeal to non-tech-savvy individuals.

  6. Scalability and Cost-Efficiency:
    Deployed on Mode, a Layer-2 solution, OmniGovern guarantees high scalability and reduced transaction costs. This ensures that as the user base grows, the platform remains responsive and affordable.

  7. Transparent Reporting with Covalent Integration:
    By integrating with Covalent, OmniGovern ensures data-driven transparency. Whether it's voting results, proposal histories, or token analytics, everything is readily accessible, fostering trust and accountability.

In essence, OmniGovern isn't just a DAO; it's the future of decentralized governance, meticulously designed to be inclusive, transparent, and user-centric. Its array of features and integrations promises a governance experience like no other, merging innovation with ease of use.

How it's Made

OmniGovern: A Deep Dive into Its Technological Backbone

  1. Cross-Chain DAO with Layerzero:
    OmniGovern utilizes a groundbreaking Cross-Chain DAO architecture. With the incorporation of Layerzero, the platform bridges multiple blockchains with OFT Voting Tokens, enabling fluid governance procedures across them. Layerzero acts as the interoperability middleware, making cross-chain communication seamless and efficient.

  2. Sign in with Worldcoin: OmniGovern leverages Worldcoin's authentication mechanism. The "sign in with Worldcoin" functionality ensures that every participant is genuine, effectively eliminating bot activities. This not only guarantees the integrity of votes and proposals but also instills trust among the user base.

  3. Safe Account Abstraction on Base Gorelli Chain:
    Recognizing the complexities that traditional blockchain interactions present to users, OmniGovern implements account abstraction on the Base Gorelli chain. This abstraction simplifies the user experience by masking intricate blockchain details, providing a streamlined and user-friendly interface. The choice of Base Gorelli ensures that this abstraction remains robust and secure.

  4. Gasless Transactions & Relaying:
    One of the standout features of OmniGovern is its ability to facilitate gasless transactions on Base + 5 other chains. By utilizing a relay mechanism, users can perform actions without worrying about gas fees. This not only enhances user experience but also encourages broader participation, as users aren't deterred by transaction costs.

  5. LayerZero Powered cross chain smart contracts & Multi-chain Architecture:
    Smart contracts, constructed using Solidity, form the backbone of the governance mechanism. These contracts handle proposals, voting, and execution, ensuring transparency and security. OmniGovern's multi-chain approach further guarantees that governance isn't limited to a single chain, broadening its scope and reach.

  6. Scalability with OP Stack Chains including OP , Base , Zora , Mode (Layer-2 Solution):
    To handle the anticipated hyper-growth and to ensure responsiveness, OmniGovern is deployed on Mode, OP , Base , Zora, a renowned Layer-2 solution. This ensures that the platform remains scalable, cost-effective, and swift even as the user base expands.

  7. Covalent Integration:
    OmniGovern's commitment to transparency and trust is further reinforced with its integration with Covalent. This provides a window into intricate data, from voting patterns to token analytics, ensuring that users have complete visibility into the platform's operations.

In summary, OmniGovern isn't just a product of cutting-edge technologies but also a testament to innovation in the DAO space. From Cross-Chain functionalities to simplifying blockchain interactions and promoting cost-effective engagements, OmniGovern encapsulates the future of decentralized governance.

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