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Omi FM

Decentralized music player, let smart contracts take care of creating the vibes.

Omi FM

Created At

ETHGlobal San Francisco

Project Description

AI powered Dapp that plays curated music for you based on the conversations analyzed by Omi. DApp created using Omi SDK for conversation analysis with its AI models. UI/UX is command line, using Python and Solidity to communication with Smart Contracts deployed to Skale, Flow, and Avail. Those contracts contain the logic for creating playlists and getting new songs.

How it's Made

DApp created using Omi SDK for conversation analysis with its AI models. UI/UX is command line, using Python and Solidity to communication with Smart Contracts deployed to Skale, Flow, and Avail. Those contracts contain the logic for creating playlists and getting new songs. ZK rollups handle bulk song creation off chain.

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