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A metaworld accessible to everyone, without sanctions or restrictions


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Project Description

I want to build a metaverse open to everyone, without government or sanctions. One that will replicate the real world, its successes and failures. Each inhabitant of the planet will be assigned a plot in this metaverse from birth. It will be a breakthrough in social communication, people will be able to do all the things they do in real life, translating it into the digital world.

How it's Made

Unfortunately, I am not a programmer and am looking for a team and opportunities to build my idea. Because of my experience, I can organize everything, but not write the code. That's why I'm here, to find a team to create something new. It would be a metaverse as part of our daily lives. People will be able to control it in their smartphone, computer, or TV. To do what they think is right, but in accordance with the norms of morality.

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