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interact, transact, simplify.


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

MetaMask - Best Gas API Application 3rd place

Project Description

Current processes to interact with web3, Defi protocols involve multiple not-so-intuitive complex operations. There is no unified portal for users to have access to different crypto services. This is what makes it difficult to onboard the next billion users to Web3. New users find it difficult to go over to multiple dapps to get their jobs done. So, why not just talk to your favorite wallet instead to get things done instantly? We have built an AI powered natural language interface on top of Metamask to abstract away complexities of DeFi / Smart Contract interactions and crypto payments. In addition to regular payment operations, we have focused on building out an easy to use recurring payment service for the masses. How we are different:

  • Ease of use: As simple as talking in plain English!
  • Plug and play: Dapps can use our snap to handle subscriptions
  • Automated: Auto payments without any manual user intervention
  • Gas efficient: Custom gas analytics algorithm to optimally schedule payments


How it's Made

  • we had to resolve ENS on BASE which wasn't supported, so we did it on the Sepolia network and used it instead
  • We were calling the allowance method of the ERC20 contract so the spender and owners weren't getting set properly because of the subscription smart contract being in the middle, hence we had to slightly modify the TIM ERC20 token contract to set the owner as tx.origin instead of msg.sender
  • Issue in figuring out how to pass payload for invoke_snap, it was not documented well, figured from the source code of the library and JSONRpcRequest documentation.
  • we needed the chainlink automation service but couldn't use because the chain wasn't supported so set up our own cron job scheduler to call the smart contract method instead
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