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Onboard users to your app seamlessly with Privy! Our app uses NFC to scan event badges, connect attendees, and save event memories. Experience easy login and secure data management with Privy’s powerful SDK. #Web3 #NFC #EventTech #UserOnboarding #PrivyIntegration


Created At

ETHGlobal Brussels

Project Description

Our project aims to enhance event experiences by integrating Near Field Communication (NFC) technology and the Privy authentication system to streamline user onboarding, networking, and memory preservation. Attendees can use their NFC-enabled badges to check in at events, connect with other attendees, and share posts. Posts are minted as NFTs to ensure unique, tamper-proof records and will be deployed on Scroll L2 for enhanced scalability and low transaction costs.

How it's Made

  1. iOS App: Scans NFC tags to capture attendee information and sends it to a local Node.js backend.
  2. Node.js Backend: Processes and stores data in a Redis database, and provides endpoints for data retrieval.
  3. React.js App: Displays collected data, including attendee posts and connections, with a user-friendly interface.

Key Features

  1. NFC Tag Scanning:

    • Attendees have NFC tags that store their event information.
    • The iOS app scans these tags to gather attendee details.
  2. User Onboarding with Privy:

    • Uses Privy's SDK to onboard users securely and efficiently.
    • Manages user authentication and data privacy.
    • Privy allows the app to onboard user in many different types of event, not just one like ETHGlobal where users have NFC tag on their hand. We can extend the app to pickup information on my other events
  3. Data Storage and Retrieval:

    • The Node.js backend saves scanned NFC data to a Redis database.
    • Provides API endpoints for retrieving event posts and connections.
  4. Interactive React.js App:

    • Fetches data from the backend to display on a web interface.
    • Users can view posts, make connections, and explore event memories.
  5. NFT Minting and Deployment: • Posts are minted as NFTs to ensure unique, tamper-proof records. • Deployed on Scroll L2 for enhanced scalability and low transaction costs.

Implementation Details

  1. iOS App (Swift):

    • Utilizes CoreNFC to scan NFC tags and extract attendee data.
    • Sends the extracted data to the Node.js backend via HTTP POST requests.
  2. Node.js Backend:

    • Express.js handles API requests.
    • Redis is used for fast, efficient data storage and retrieval.
    • API endpoints for scanning (/api/scan) and retrieving posts (/api/posts).
  • everypost will be minted as NFT and stored on L2 Scroll
  1. React.js App:
    • Uses Axios to make API requests to the Node.js backend.
    • Displays the data in a styled, user-friendly interface.
    • Responsive design to ensure usability across devices.

User Experience

  • Onboarding: Users are onboarded using Privy's secure authentication system, ensuring privacy and data security.
  • Event Interaction: Users interact by scanning NFC tags, making connections, and posting updates.
  • Memory Preservation: All interactions and posts are saved and displayed in a folder named after the event, city, and year, creating a digital scrapbook for attendees.

This project aims to create a seamless, interactive, and memorable event experience by leveraging modern technologies such as NFC, Privy authentication, and a robust tech stack.

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