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Explore the map and find Nouns in the wild. Gotta mint 'em all!


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Dynamic - Runner Up

Project Description

NounsMon is a game that will bridge us back to the days spent playing on our gameboys.

The gameplay begins in your hometown with your very own first Noun. Together you can venture into the wilderness using your arrow keys and the A, B keys.

Be careful of the wild grass, Nouns live in it! Battle and mint the Nouns you find in the wild. The Nouns you mint are yours and you can use them in future battles

How it's Made


  • Nextjs, Vitejs
  • Log in with wallet
  • Phaser3, Tiled


  • Used Nodejs with Controller-Router-Service pattern.
  • Call 3 functions from NounsToken to:
  • mint() mints a new Noun to us and stores pseudorandom seed to NounsToken.
  • tokenURI(tokenId) uses NounsToken, to output the SVG string in base64.
  • nounCaught(nounId, _to) transfers a Noun from us to the user.

Smart Contracts

  • Forked the NounsDAO monorepo
  • Edited contracts and specifically NounsToken to not interact with auctions, governance, nounders...
  • Deployed in order: NounsSeeder, SVGRenderer, Inflator, NFTDescriptorV2 (library), NounsDescriptorV2 (had to deploy with blank art param), NounsArt, then myDescriptorContract.setArt(myArtAddress), and finally NounsToken.
  • To make gameplay smoother, we own all contracts and run all txs.
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