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Nounscape is a simple onboarding app for anyone to explore web3 using art from NounsDAO.


Created At

ETHGlobal New York

Project Description

Nounscape is a simple onboarding app for anyone to explore web3. Leveraging the power of ERC-6551, it allows you to mint randomly generated avatars by NounsDAO that can double up as wallets to store any NFTs and tokens.

Here is a link to the presentation:

NFTs are fueled by speculation with an endless buy, sell, and, trade cycle. By letting users pick their randomly generated Nouns and minting them on-chain, this gives people access to open-source art on-chain, distancing them from the speculative side of NFTs and encouraging them to use their ERC-6551 enabled wallets / on-chain identities to interact with web3 experiences.

In summary, Nounscape allows you to pick from randomly generated NounsDAO avatars that you can mint as NFTs and use them to interact with a spectrum of web3 applications (think of the NFTs as uploading a profile picture when you create a new social account).

How it's Made

As it stands, Nounscape is a figma prototype with a plan post hackthon to get the build done. As a non-developer and a solo-hacker, building the entire app was a lofty scope for the hackathon.

Having said that, there's a very barebones version uploaded on Github which uses scaffold-eth and existing open source code. This was my attempt at trying to create the entire app with smart contracts deployed, however, I ran into several issues and decided to make a figma prototype instead to optimise for time.

Post hackathon, the login flow would also include ERC-4337 that would simplify the process of creating wallets.

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