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Generate Nouns Avatar as SBT badge to express emotion, and also load Lens handle as a source for Nouns Avatar generation.


Created At

ETHGlobal Lisbon

Project Description

Generate Nouns Avatar as SBT badge to express emotion, and also load Lens handle as a source for Nouns Avatar generation.

When you send SBT badge to others, you can send any word and generate NFT image from Nouns Avatar Generator.

Lens is also integrated, which can be used to generate user profile avatar with Nouns Avatar Generator.

How it's Made

We want to turn any word/noun into SBT, so that we can express many kinds of emotions, reactions, and actions in social network on chain.

Social Layer is a subjective, relational, programmable trust-based social network. There are a lot kinds of activities. The Nouns Badge Service is to help people express their feelings and identities with Nouns.

So this app use the nouns assets sdk to generate SBT images for Social Layer.

The nouns assets sdk can generate lovely pixel images from the hash of the words or Lens protocol handles.

Use the new Lens SDK;

Use Nouns Assets SDK;

Also integrate with the Social Layer App to send SBTs.

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