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Our project is a secure, real-world, ID-verified notarization platform designed to streamline digital notarization while maintaining strong user privacy and security.


Created At

ETHGlobal San Francisco

Winner of

Circle - Build with USDC/EURC

Project Description

This project is designed to on-board users not familiar with web3 to a secure, real-world ID-verified digital notarization platform. The website is designed such that the file upload provides a one-click attestation, generating a unique URL that can be sent to a notary of your choice. Dynamic wallet is used for extensive compatibility with wallets, including Ledger Live. The attestation includes an on-chain stored file via the Skale Network and real-world identity verification via Synaps. The notary is then able to verify the identity of the document and provider via a simple interface and provide their own signature via the Sign protocol. The entire project is hosted on Polygon to allow for rapid execution of dApps and low gas fees. All payment uses USDC as currency to further break down the web2 to web3 barrier for uninitiated users.

How it's Made

We use Dynamic for wallet authentication to serve as the central identity for document notarization and payment processes. We use Ledger for cryptographic document signing, ensuring private keys remain offline and tamper-proof. Skale Network provides decentralized, zero-cost storage for affidavit voice memos and other files via elastic sidechains. We built a smart contract that handles payment, using Circle’s USDC, ensuring seamless and transparent fee settlements for the non-blockchain enthusiast. The core of the platform is our custom Sign Protocol, which emulates in-person notary workflows using nested schemas. In this process, clients submit signed documents and verified identities through Synaps, a decentralized identity protocol utilizing zero-knowledge proofs for AML/KYC real-world identity verification. Upon verifying document integrity and associated identity, a digital notary attests the signature, with notarization entries indexed on-chain for fast lookups. Our documentation includes setup instructions, architecture diagrams, and a roadmap for future scalability and multi-chain support.

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