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This Dapp allows you to validate the identification of documents through the WorldCoinId identity validation protocol, the storage of the documents is decentralized so the information will be immutable for our users


Created At


Winner of

🏊 Worldcoin — Pool Prize

Project Description

NotariDapp is a groundbreaking project revolutionizing notarization with advanced technology. Through account abstraction, interactions with smart contracts are simplified, ensuring user-friendliness.

WorldCoin's WorldID integration guarantees robust identity authentication, enhancing trust in notarial processes. Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS) further boosts security, validating document integrity.

With EAS, we generate a proof of the uploaded file to maintain its traceability and consistency over time. This makes it possible to verify that there are no alterations in the document and that it is the original.

Moreover, utilizing SAFE technology, a multisig was created to generate the NFT that carries information about the test in AES within the metadata. The metadata follows the Zora standard.

NotariDapp's deployment spans three networks: Base, Optimism, and Zora. However, account abstraction can't be executed across all of them due to missing endpoints, rendering the process impossible. Once SAFE achieves compatibility, this limitation will be overcome.

Utilizing the Base network, NotariDapp securely deploys and manages documents on the blockchain, ensuring immutability. This innovative approach reshapes document certification, combining account abstraction, WorldID, EAS, SAFE, and Base deployment for an efficient and secure process.

How it's Made

NotariDapp harnesses cutting-edge technologies to reshape notarization. With "account abstraction," smart contract interactions become user-friendly. WorldCoin's WorldID ensures robust identity authentication, bolstering trust. Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS) validates document integrity and maintains consistency over time.

SAFE technology adds security, using a multisig to create NFTs with AES-encrypted test information in metadata. Conforming to the Zora metadata standard ensures uniformity.

Deployed across Base, Optimism, and Zora networks, NotariDapp leverages advanced tech. While "account abstraction" faces network limitations, SAFE compatibility is on the horizon.

In a nutshell, NotariDapp merges "account abstraction," WorldID, EAS, SAFE, and Zora metadata for efficient, secure, and transparent notarization.

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