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Notar Exchange

We built tool for p2p fiat <> crypto swaps using Wise as traditional payment provider and Scroll as blockchain network.

Notar Exchange

Created At

ETHGlobal Brussels

Winner of

Ethereum Foundation - Prize Pool for Plugin Developers

Scroll - Best Project on Scroll Runner-up

Project Description

We aimed to enable two individuals to exchange crypto for fiat via chat or another medium without relying on a third-party custodian or needing to trust each other.

We selected Wise as the fiat payment provider due to its support for many second and third-world countries, including ours.

This protocol ensures a secure, trustless crypto exchange for fiat without requiring a traditional custodian.

Our inspiration was zkp2p but we couldn't use it because we don't have access to any of the payment providers they support - hence Wise.

How it's Made

The exchange protocol is as follows:

  • The person initiating the exchange places USDT in an escrow smart contract deployed on Scroll (specifically Scroll Sepolia).
  • This action generates a link that can be shared with the other party.
  • The recipient opens the link, which displays the transaction details and provides instructions for completing the crypto transaction using Wise.
  • The instructions include installing the TLS Notary extension and our plugin for it.
  • They are then redirected to Wise, where the transaction is made and notarized using the TLS - Notary plugin and a Notary server running in our cloud environment.
  • This notarization process does not disclose any personal data to third parties.
  • The proof of notarization is uploaded to our verifier, which checks it and releases the funds to the recipient’s address.
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