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No Cost Subscriptions

Add more revenue with No Cost Subscriptions for your user base, monetization without farming sensitive user data. NCS are a new subscription model that allows users to subscribe by saving with their favorite businesses.

No Cost Subscriptions

Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of

🏆 ETHOnline Finalist

♿️ AAVE Grants DAO — 🥈 Accessibility

Project Description

No Cost Subscriptions

“Add more revenue with No Cost Subscriptions for your user base, monetization without farming sensitive user data.”

Imagine a future society that incentives people to focus on building up their savings to gain access to services around them. It seems to me that this is a much healthier society. It is as if every saving milestone achieved, unlocks a new feature in the world around you.

NCS is a protocol for creating and managing No Cost Subscriptions.

No Cost Subscriptions are a new subscription model that enables users to support their favorite product, service, or community by saving (AKA staking) money together with their favorite businesses at no cost to the user. Similar to how PoolTogether works.

A user can subscribe to a product or service by saving/staking to initiate a No Cost Subscription. Example: Imagine instead of Apple paying for AWS, they just deposited some of their 17billion in available cash in an AWS No Cost Subscription in order to keep the subscription alive. They could withdraw at any time.

NCS, allows businesses an alternative to monetization without ads which can track sensitive user data. Instead, They create revenue by aggregating liquidity for global DeFi markets through the NCS Protocol. Subscription creators can select their risk level by choosing between different yield aggregators or safer yields like AAVE stablecoins.

Businesses can use NCS for free to create unlimited No Cost Subscriptions. When their clients subscribe to their business by staking/depositing, the yield from the deposits is redirected to the business and 30% back to the NCS protocol.

The mass adoption of NCS subscriptions will create more accessible liquidity to the global DeFi markets by driving more locked liquidity into DeFi protocols, promoting healthy financial behavior from consumers (saving to consume model), and allowing for monetization without farming sensitive user data.

Bonus extended stories (Future Features): Profit share with users Businesses can decide how much of the yield they want to share with users to incentivize them to stake beyond minimal requirements. Upfront yield for businesses Businesses can offer lock periods to users for bonus features and use tools like APWine to garner the yield from locked funds upfront Ramp up model Businesses can offer a ramp-up model where users build up their deposits overtime until the service becomes completely free (layaway) Risk variance / rate swapping Businesses can choose to take collateralized loans against user funds to increase yield with more aggressive strategies but without risking user funds.

How it's Made

No Cost Subscriptions tap into the core DeFi protocols like AAVE, APWINE, and YEARN.

It's deployed across the fastest blockchains, Ethereum, Polygon, and Optimism

The mass adoption of NCS subscriptions will create more accessible liquidity to the global DeFi markets by driving more locked liquidity into DeFi protocols, promoting healthy financial behavior from consumers (saving to consume model), and allowing for monetization without farming sensitive user data.

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